Short Bio
Since August, 2023, I have been a Lecturer at the University of Leeds as part of Algorithms and Complexity team in the School of Computer Sciecne.
From October 2021 to August 2023, I was a LABEX-MILYON postdoctoral fellow in the MC2 team of LIP, ENS de Lyon, mentored by Édouard Bonnet.
From December, 2020 to August, 2021, I was a C.V. Raman Postdoctoral Fellow at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (IISc) mentored by Prof. L.S. Chandran.
From July, 2020 to November, 2020, I was a Senior Research Fellow at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIITD) under the supervision of Prof. Rajiv Raman and Prof. Syamantak Das.
From July, 2014 to March, 2020, I completed my PhD from the department of Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit (ACMU), Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (ISI-Kolkata) under the supervision of Prof. Sandip Das.
From July, 2012 to July, 2014, I was a master's student (CS) at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational & Research Institute .
July, 2009 to July, 2012, I was an undergraduate student (CS) @ Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira ( University of Calcutta )
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